Looking back at over twenty years of on-camera work, I can see how so much of it prepared me for my work at Home Shopping Network.
Starting a career in entertainment in a city not known for production (Jacksonville, FL) comes with its fair share of roadblocks, frustrations, and dry seasons. But it's this particular set of challenges that taught me how to think creatively and diversify my skills in the industry in order to stay busy. Over the years I've done everything from training videos, to selling cars on tv, modeling wild costumes, crazy hair, and out-of-this-world makeup. I've learned to cast, shoot, produce my own TV Show, and pitch ideas. I've learned to monetize, visualize, dream, and achieve, and I've become a published author. Mybe more than anything, I've learned how to sell. It's this set of skills, and perhaps my Kentucky roots that gave me just the right seasoning of warmth to earn me a job on Home Shopping Network. Finally, after almost three years, I'm sharing with you a little background on how that came to be.

How I Got the Gig
In 2018 a dear friend of mine worked for the brand Cuddl Duds and mentioned to me that she'd like to put my name in the ring of potential hosts they were looking for to represent the brand on HSN. Since I was located in Florida I was considered local (even though the studios are located in St Pete). I happened to be in NYC for a conference and was invited last minute to meet with the brand for a very casual face-to-face. I was in no way prepared for an interview, and this worked in my favor because it was slated as just a casual meeting which eliminated all my nerves. I had a great chat with the team, enjoyed a tour of the headquarters, and discussed with them my experience while raising any questions I had. It was a great meeting and I received pretty quick feedback they were interested in working with me. Like every other business, some internal politics got in the way so it ended up being put off for a year before they circled back and said they were ready to work with me. After on-air certification in St Pete, I officially joined the team and launched the brand Comfort Code by Cuddl Duds on HSN in March of 2020. Shortly after the world shut down.....
Again, this worked in my favor. Already pretty well versed in filming for social media, all On-air guests were transitioned to Skype due to Covid concerns. I took up filming from home and eventually we purchased a shed and built it out as a Home Studio. Selling PJs and Loungewear from home on National TV during a pandemic is not what I imagined I'd be doing when I grew up. But here I was, and it was honestly the best part of those uncertain times.

What I Do / On-Air Guests vs Hosts
My title is the official brand expert for Comfort Code by Cuddl Duds. My position is referred to as an "On-Air Guest", some people used to call them guest hosts. Essentially I represent the brand the Host is showcasing. They bring me on to discuss the story of the brand, and the features of the product, and to create more entertainment value from the experience of learning about what you're purchasing. I can tell you about fabrication, construction, what's trending, how to care for it, and how to wear it. There are only around 24 or 26 full-time hosts, but there are more like 1,500 On-Air guests. We represent everything from kitchenware to beauty, and of course apparel.

How It's Changed
I think there are a lot of misgivings about the world of Home Shopping Network. What I think people need to know though, is that it's more fun than ever to shop there. You do not have to have a TV or cable. You can live stream the shows from the web, or their app. The hosts are becoming more modern and relateable, and the products are newer and savvier each year. HSN & QVC together make up the third largest retailer after Amazon and Walmart. They have some of the best brands and are known for their long list of celebrities who frequent the studio. In the summer of 2022, we learned we would be transitioning back to the studio and by September all airings would be fully filmed in the studio. We knew pretty much immediately that this would require relocation. Jacksonville is 4 hours from St Pete and it would just take too much time away from home for me to constantly commute. Within a weekend, we decided to uproot, a week later we made an offer on a home sight unseen, and a month later we lived North of Tampa. What a whirlwind. Settling into the studio has been amazing. I've always loved the energy that comes from the lights, camera, and action. The hosts are a blast to work with live, and there is nothing that can replace human contact.

What I've Learned
I've learned a ton from HSN. I've been impressed by the level of training and support. The culture is extremely positive, and they are very inclusive and encouraging. It always impresses me when you see a company people have worked at for decades. This is truly a place people come to stay, it's not a churn and burn mill of talent. Yes, there will always be some turnover, but this is the kind of place you become family. That's another reason why we moved. I could see my future was going to include a lot more of HSN. As a TV personality, I've learned a lot about staying on my toes. From broadcasting on National TV from home to interacting with a variety of different hosts, it's been a great practice in active listening and improv. As a professional talent, I have to have faith in my ability to perform and be natural and remember all the details of my brand. But my main objective is the audience. It's all about those watching at home. If I'm not giving them a good experience, why should they care what I have to say? I need to bring energy, have fun, and be real. I've learned I belong there, and I'm so honored to be gracing the same studio as legends in my field, some of who I've had the pleasure of meeting.

What's To Come
If the last few years have shown me anything, it's that there are always surprises coming down the bend. I plan to continue my work with HSN and hopefully expand as time goes on. I'll still continue to build upon my work here at Amy West Travel, and bring you dynamic travel and lifestyle content. I'm so fortunate that my work at the Network and my work here on my own platform complement each other so well. I plan to author more books, dream more big dreams, and do my best to inspire you to live your best life.
Until then...
Enjoy the journey!
Amy West
